Coffee Details

Roast Strength

Tasting Notes

Milk chocolate, apple and lemon zest


A blend of speciality grade Arabica coffee

Brewing Method

  • Cafetiere
  • Espresso
  • Gilter
  • Wholebean

Origin Components

Africa, Brazil and Rwanda


1kg bag

About Speciality Blend

The Ringtons Speciality Blend is a real customer favourite!

We blend seasonal fully washed coffees from Central America, natural processed Brazil and carefully selected African Arabica to create a medium-dark roasted blend which is full of Milk Chocolate flavour notes, a zesty acidity and smooth body. This is a perfect option for those looking for something a bit extra in their coffee.

Speciality Blend is 100% Arabica and 100% specialty grade coffee.

Speciality Blend Origin Components

Region: Santuario, Risaralda
Altitude: 1,400 – 1,600 m.a.s.l
Producer: Bernardo Echeverry
Farm: Finca La Estrella
Farm Size: 44 ha, 26 ha of coffee
Varieties: Caturra
Harvest period: September – December & May – July
Processing: Fully washed, natural


Harvest: March to June
Altitude: 1100 – 1900 masl
Varietals: Bourbon
Region: Various
Process: Fully washed

Brazil Mixed Agricultural Cooperative of Paraguaçu (Coomap)

Harvest: May to August
Altitude: 800m – 1100masl
Varietals: Mundo Novo, Bourbon and Catuai (increasing amount of Arara)
Cooperative size: 770 members, 670 coffee growers
Region: Paraguaçu, South Minais Gerais
Process: Natural

World Coffee Research

Ringtons are proudly contributing to World Coffee Research. An organisation founded to protect the future of the coffee industry in the face of climate change and other threats to coffee farming.

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Unrivalled Freshness

Roasted days before it comes through your door

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Brew how you like

Our coffee works as espresso, filter or pour over. Grind how you like.

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Finest Ingredients

Proudly souring specialty grade arabica coffee

Contact our friendly team

Speak to us or drop us a message to find out how we can help your business.

T: 0800 0461 444